Have you ever faced communication issues with customers? How do insecure messages or incomplete information impact customer trust?

On June 25th, EGG Digital and LINE Business hosted the event “Advanced LINE Messaging: Empower Your Connection with LON” at LINE Park, 18th floor of Gaysorn Tower. This event introduced the LINE Official Notification (LON), a highly effective solution for enhancing the security and convenience of communications between organizations and their customers. Additionally, EGG Digital’s ONE platform was showcased for its capability to optimize targeted marketing efforts.

Amarin Chutitanarat, Senior Vice President of the Digital Business Development Department at Yuanta Securities, shared the success of transitioning from SMS to LON for transaction notifications. This switch provided customers with more complete and secure information while also reducing communication costs.

EGG Digital extends gratitude to the LINE Business team and all attendees for their enthusiastic participation and interest.

For more information on EGG Digital’s services, please visit https://www.eggdigital.com or call 02-020-2364.